Observations from the Invisibility Cloak

When I was 28 and writing poetry, I wrote a poem lamenting the feeling that I was invisible because I was no longer the youngest, cutest thing on the block --- and I had become a mother. Now I'm in my sixties and really invisible. And I like it!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Moderation, you say?

Moderation has slyly crept into my life, almost unnoticed. I've always known I have a severe allergy to moderation and structure but somehow, perhaps from sheer exposure, I've begun to reckon with it. Embrace would be too strong a word, tolerate implies too much consideration. It's more like catching a movement from the corner of your eye, whipping around to see what it was, and a bit of color disappears around the corner. It's there, but hard to substantiate.

You see, there are many so-called virtues that I have spent a lifetime avoiding --- organization, structure, moderation, and foresight were at the top of the list. Look before you leap? Hell no! Leap first then holler all the way down. More? Yes, please. I'll take as much as you'll give me and still want more. I'll find something I like, that makes me feel good, and do it until it doesn't. Once an addict, always an addict, I guess.

So what's with all this stealthy moderation that seems to be creeping in? Is it simply that I'm getting old and tired? Very possibly. Finally realizing that if I cool it a little, I might be able to avoid some pain? I guess that would fall into the category of learning from experience. Not one of my strong suits, but also not unheard of.

I better be careful. Next thing you know I'll be preaching delayed gratification. . . Planning ahead . . . Decluttering. If it gets to that point I better avoid mirrors, because I would not recognize myself.

Brrrrrrrr. A shiver just hit. Somebody walking on my grave, the old saying goes.

Maybe I oughta have a cookie and think about this some more.

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